- Well Newt's all but dropped out of the race, and the only competition Willard Mittney the Rominator has at this point is someone named Ron Paul who apparently never has really mattered anyway. Therefore, as Arthur so eloquently put it the other day, "it's game on." You can tell it's started when you see an Obama ad hosted by Bill Clinton who quotes George Bush. Bygawd this is going to be fun.
- It's sad to see that the Rominator is still terribly out of touch with the rest of America (those who are not millionaires). At a “lecture” for students at Otterbein University in Ohio Friday, Romney told students that a good way to start a business and "go for it" is to borrow money from their parents. "Say Dad, could I borrow $20,000 to put up a lemonade stand?"
- Most of us with half a brain are aware that the GOP believe women should remember their place in society and should stay there. The Republicans say we've accused them of conducting a "War On Women," and they're offended. (awww) In a combative speech on the Senate floor last Thursday, Sen. John McCain called a Democrats’ accusations that the GOP is waging a war on women “phony,” “outlandish,” and a distraction.” Well, let's look at this a little closer with this Caught On Tape article.
- I really don't want to go here, but I feel I really have to. Remember when Newt Gingrich suggested eliminating child labor laws? Put the little bastards to work as janitors or something? Now, his biggest supporter, Sarah Palin, is claiming that child labor laws are making America fail. Okay, so you're probably not surprised, right? The real reason I want you to check out this article is the enormous picture of Sarah Palin included in it. It's frightening beyond words. Warning: Have the children leave the room before you click on this.
- According to the Romney campaign, apparently made up of guys wearing thin ties and white socks, President Obama has abandoned Czechoslovakia (a country that hasn’t existed since 1993) and also said Obama wasn’t strong enough to prevent “the Soviets” from “pushing into the Arctic.” Pardon me but I've been led to believe the cold war ended sometime in the 80's.
In Memorium
1 year ago